Teenergizer in Armenia: training for the activists

What kind of Teener-activity is happening in Armenia, what are they doing there and why did they arrive?  Now we will tell you everything! Last week, the concentration of Teenergizer activists in Armenia increased dramatically, and all because we gathered there teams from different cities and countries.   There were 14 of us: activists and activists from Osh, Yerevan, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krivoy Rog and Kiev, as well as UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and wonderful trainer Anna Dovbakh!   Learn and…

Strategy Overview till 2020

In August 2017, Teenergizer teams from Poltava, Kiev, Tbilisi, Kazan and St. Petersburg met in Armenia to participate in the first regional strategic planning. As a result, "Strategy of Teenergizer of 2020" was created. [pdf-embedder url="https://teenergizer.org/media/2018/11/Teenergizer-Strategy-Overview-till-2020-en.pdf" title="Teenergizer Strategy Overview till 2020 en"]